Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

This year, I dressed up as a Brownie Girl Scout. Not the slutty kind. I'm never the slutty version of someone for halloween. Because you know, I can always be slutty whenever I want. Someday. Perhaps.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

“Dunder Mifflin: The People Person’s Paper People”

As you can see, I did not write anything last week. It was my mommy's (yes, I still call her mommy, got a problem with that?) last week here in the States, she left for the Philippines last Saturday (sob), and we were all really busy. Also, I took a break from work, and work = internet access (shhh).

Anyway, last week, The Office went back to its 30-minute format. I guess I am one of the very few people who did not mind the hour-long episodes (or eppys as they are called in the internets). The hour-long episodes CAN be quite a drag, but I did enjoy the first four eppys anyway (and I totally gushed on the last 1-hour eppy). Going back to the 30-minute eppy was great but then it was as if something was missing. After 4 eppys that dealt with several plots, Local Ad left me wanting more. It was a good episode, don't get me wrong, but there was just something that's amiss.

Fine points of the episode, Local Ad:

  • Andy figuring out what product the Kit Kat jingle was promoting

  • Michael Scott's "zooming out" vision for the ad

  • Creed, Andy, Darryl, Kevin and Kelly's jingle production - really catchy!

  • Pam clearing Michael's phone

  • Sue Grafton at the Steamtown Mall and Creed calling her "sexy hot"

  • Meredith telling Jim to "Piss or get off the pot!"

  • Michael inventing the unicorn at 5

  • Dwight and Jim's Second Life avatars - I want Philly Jim!

  • Creed eating Pam's hashbrowns

  • Angela not liking mysteries

  • Urban Stanley

  • Just added: How can I forget the Phyllis-Dwight part of the Ad? "You have a son, and it's me."

and lastly, and what I thought was the best of all: Kevin as the Kool Aid Man. Best. Ever.

This week's eppy should be good. Karen's back!!!

I can't get the song out of my head, so let me share it (the glee or the pain) with you:

America... F*@k Yeah!

Last week was a momentous time in my American life. It was a day that would live in infamy... it was the day that I became a...

(cue: "patriotic" music)

I got to say this:

Free Clipart

I guess it's a good thing. I mean, Uncle Sam's been taking my money for the last couple of years anyway, so might as well be a naturalized citizen and get in other countries without paying for tourist visas. Yay! Now, if I can only find a way to make more money so I can travel. I am an American now, and I live in America, and one's dreams come true in America, right? Right?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Grab a Copy at Your Local Walgreens

The covers says it all:

Awesome mag cover courtesy of Best Week Ever.

Friday, October 19, 2007

"In fact, um, I'm In Love with Italian Food"

Swoon. Squee. Swoon.

I told y'all that Friday's The Best Day Ever (and don't forget it's the same day they televise The Best Week Ever on VH1). However sucky everything else is, the memories of last night's episode of The Office just makes me all giddy. Sigh.

True, last night's episode did not give me a whole bunch of LOL's, but it did make me, sigh... sigh... and sigh --- in a good way. It was sad, it was heartwarming, it was awesome. Seeing Michael take the bus and go to his 2nd job was a little depressing. Seeing Dwight, altogether, was just heartbreaking. I did not heart Angela last night, especially after Andy gave her Garbage. PB&J? They evoked a completely different set of emotions from me, none of them distressing or miserable. Squee! The kiss was so reminiscent of the Casino Night kiss. It was just so great. The other officemates were great too... love the conference room debate on the propert use of who/whom --- I would never know what the answer is. :P

I heart Paul Lieberstein for writing and directing (his first!) this episode.

Just added: More Mose please! I would so stay in the Irrigation room myself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Let me begin by saying that I am backing him up through and through. Although, it is true, that technically (and/or legally) I am not allowed to vote in any state or federal election (yet), it is my right to voice out my opinion, and my opinion is that: Colbert for the White House!!! (Are green card holders actually covered by the Bill of Rights? I hope so.)

Because I am still under the weather and have been feeling sluggish, I was not able to stay up to hear the pre-annoucement and the actual announcement of candidacy until this morning. By the way, I am all for the Colbert-Huckabee ticket.

This might not be the actual clip of the announcement, but this would give a citizen ample reasons to vote for the guy:

He takes amazing pictures, huh? Take that Putin! After November '08, you won't be the hottest world leader anymore.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I've Got the Sniffles

I got sick over the weekend. :(

Do you think that Blockbuster would believe me and not charge me a past due fee? I was supposed to return "Year of the Dog" yesterday, but I was in bed the last two days trying to recuperate. I missed English class too. Will probably fail that class. -Sniff-

Change subject: OK, back to "Year of the Dog". It's the latest release from Mike White (is it wrong to crush on him? he's adorable, probably gay)... that movie, I'd have to say, it's like seeing my life 15 years from now. It's about this woman (played perfectly by Molly Shannon) who is single, who I think (judging from the lines on her face) is around her 40's, who lives alone with the most adorable Beagle named Pencil (played really well by Prada and CK, although I think CK played Pencil better). An unexpected event led Peggy (Shannon) into a journey of self discovery. I know, that's a lame way of putting it, but I didn't really want to add spoiler alerts. But yeah, I thought it was really good, just because it's pretty realistic and the acting was really good, and that maybe because it might happen to me in a couple of years, seriously, it scares me. :P

Anyway, I think I'm going to Blockbuster now.

Friday, October 12, 2007

"What is a Jim?"

Really, what is a Jim? A Jim is the hot awesome slacker from The Office, who, just recently, made the most coveted love story on TV (that's MY opinion, thank you very much) public. -Sigh!- Jim and Pam, Pam and Jim, Jam, now PB&J... -sigh!- I'm not saying that they're the best part of The Office, they're just great to watch. Last night was AWESOME! My favorite part: Andy singing acapella ABBA to Angela... it was too much, in a good way, if that's possible. My heart did go out to scruffy Dwight, but I'd have to say, Andy won big points for that number.

I have a confession to make: I only saw the last twenty minutes of the show last night. :(

I underestimated my teacher, I thought I could finish last night's test in under an hour, but I didn't. It was quite challenging. I underestimated myself as well, I thought I was just going to give up and hand my paper at 8:30pm so I can leave, but no, I didn't give up until I gave a better approximation (I was just guessing for answers at this point). I finished at a little past 9:00pm, drove home as fast as I can and enjoyed the last minutes of the show. OMG! The rooftop conversation... -sigh-.

The good part: I saw the whole episode online today... at work, Shhh. Don't tell.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday is the Second Greatest Day of the Week

Because, it is the eve of The Office night... which is Thursday, the bestest day ever! Or, maybe Wednesday is the third greatest since Friday is pretty good too, it starts the weekend (and additional greatness if payday falls on a Friday) and I always feel good on Friday after I have seen The Office. So yeah, scratch that, Wednesday is the THIRD greatest. Anyway, expect a bunch of The Office references in this blog. It can't be helped. Don't even get me started on "jumping the shark" issue this season. I will keep mum on that topic until we've reached halfway thru the season. And if that IS the case, you have to admit, it is still the best show out there, which tells you something about other shows... they suck? Although tonight, I think I will watch Pushing Daisies... it reminds me of Amelie and it's kinda Tim Burton-ish... see if it'll hold my interest.

Note to self: Buy "I Am America" tonight. And food for Didi, the prettiest guinea pig in the world! (Shhh! The building manager doesn't know, please don't rat me out!)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I am America --- if Dr. Colbert says so!

It drops TODAY! Get a copy! USA! USA! USA!


After sporadically writing entries on a Word document, I thought the time has come to formally blog. Well, I lie. I have blogged previously, six or seven entries, if I remember correctly. It was on one of those social networking sites I hardly visit anymore. The few occasions that I do go back to that site are times when I am feeling kind of down. I log in the site and check on people from my past to convince myself that I am still better off than they are --- just kidding. OK, so maybe I'll check on one or two people to get a quick cheer pill, thank you! You know who you are.

Anyway, I don't think that blogging here would be any different from my multi-page "diary" at work (with a working file name of "thoughts"). Except for the occasional comments that would ask me to buy Viagra, I don't think anyone would actually read this... which is fine with me, I just have too much things in my head that I think it would be kinda healthy to deflate it out into the Internets. That's harmless right?

Well, just in case you happen upon this blog. Welcome! (and please don't rat me out at work!)

P.S. Stephen Colbert's book is out TODAY! YAY!