Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Feist and I have something in common...

We both love counting to FOUR.

For me, it's FOUR more days until the Feist concert in Berkeley. Yay!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bonnaroo Recap: Thanks Joe!

I have so many things going on right now, and since Joe's always been the better writer and photographer, I'm pretty much just stealing his recap of the Bonnaroo awesomosity!

Please click here (or to the side) to traverse to Joe's blog.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

match.com: if only the hotness were real

After checking my e-mail for the 20th time today, I noticed the ad to the right hand of the "breaking news" (to me, at least) that Angelina's going to give birth to the hottest twins on the face of the earth very soon (much to my sister's disappointment). The ad was from match.com, I was about to click on it when I realized, "guys who are that cute won't go to match.com"... I retreated my finger from the clicker and cursed match.com for all their lies.


Ed's note: TBH, I'm more a Matt Damon fan than a Ben Affleck fan, but this guy looks like Ben with the friendly demeanor of Matt, so I say win-win!

Ed's note 2: Also, I think he's watching some girl doing something naughty on the webcam. Pretty pervy, me no likey.