Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

To celebrate this day, let me share a composition from Kirk McGowan --- a real estate developer and cracker extraordinaire. Enjoy!

My Occupation on Earth Day

We build single family homes.

Or maybe I should describe it as - we desecrate nature's beautiful and delicate perfection by gashing and gutting the fruitful and feral earth, ripping flora and fauna from its life source, entombing the ground with a cold, hard impenetrable smashed rock, castrating the virile soil from cradling the untouched seedlings and unsoiled greens. By haphazardly hammering together these boxes composed of tree corpses and unnatural material we oust, we expel, we evict the cute and innocent four legged, two winged, and slimy skinned fellow inhabitants from their protective and pristine homes. Yes, that's right we smash, bash, and shatter; we beat, blow, and pulverize. We demolish, demean, and consume with a rakish smile.

And so we erect these abominations that frivolously shelter garbage bearing, noise supplying, fume yielding, nauseating, repugnant, vile, shameless humans just so these repulsive, gross, foul, vulgar, stinking humans can scrape the landscape by driving their metal contraptions, their vibrating cans of destruction farther and farther from necessity.

But I like to think of what we do is rearrange the chaos in a more organized manner; that's right, we finish the job that god started; basically, what I am saying is we tell mother nature to go back to the kitchen, we're setting the table.


And no, he doesn't buy the whole "global warming" thing... and yes, he used to be a champion swimmer in his glory days. He is Libertarian... which I think explains everything.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Get well Didi!

I haven't been posting for a while now. Didi is sick and I have been spending my extra time tending to her needs. I do have a lot of things to share, to post about, but I do not have time to do it because my little one needs me now more than ever. Also, I have been commuting to my sis' (where Didi is) to medicate her... and that has also been cutting my blogging time.

Please pray for my beautiful and sweet Didi.

Need a paper bag...still hyperventilating

OMFG!!! ---> not trademarked by Gossip Girls yet, so I'm still free to use it. Maybe I should start a new acronym... hmmm, interesting thought.

Anyway, again, OMFG!!! I know I skipped on doing the recap last week and I'll try to work on that, but this one I have to let out before my heart bursts out of my chest (what a pretty picture).


Michael and Jan called it quits. Michael was trying to find a new office chair in the supply catalog. He sees something he likes --- the chairmodel! He asked everyone to open their own catalogs and turn to the page where the chairmodel was. He asked everyone to use her as the template... for the ladies they will be setting him up with for dates. Everyone diligently follows, Toby gave an exasperated look. Andy and Kevin are deeply affected by the walk from the satellite parking lot to the office (Andy says 10 mins, Kevin says 30). They arranged for a meeting between the five top dudes from every office in the business park, Michael was so busy with the lady-hunt and entrusted Andy and Kevin to figure things out. Pam sets up Michael with her landlady. It did not turn out well. Jim hinted that Pam might be kicked out of the apartment. They tease each other back and forth about moving in together. Pam said she won't do it unless she is engaged. Jim asked her if he has not proposed yet. She says no. Jocular Jim said it was coming. She asks when. He won't tell, but she has been forewarned. Camera shows the weird, almost terrified look on Pam's face. Dwight takes Michael to the chairmodel's final resting place (oh yeah, Dwight found out she died of an accident). Michael does an impromtu re-working of "American Pie". Andy and Kevin successfully wins the parking lots back. *SQUEE ALERT* Jim and Pam walks toward the satellite parking lot. They were trying to figure out where to go for dinner. Jim suddenly goes down on one knee... Pam has a shocked look on her face... Jim opens his mouth and says, "Hey Pam, will you wait for me one second while I tie my shoe?". MUKYA!!! Pam says she hates him and embarassly walks away. Michael and Dwight jams through dusk.

This is nice, light episode compared to last week's nice but really dark and awkward one. Then again, Michael is not Michael without the awkwardness and we do witness that in the coffee shop scenes with Pam's landlady. This is totally a woman's episode, something of a mini-chick flick, if you will. I am glad I was at my sister's (she has DVR) because I was able to go back and forth, back and forth to the really cute Jam scenes. I think I did that four times.

Some other favorites from this episode:
- Kevin wanting to win so bad (my heart broke a little)
- Michael calling Oscar, "Oscar Mayer, wiener lover"
- Creed wanting Pam's chair so he can have two of the three he wants.
- Creed knowing Pam's name.
- The only time we see Toby on screen and he's shaking his head
- Andy's dance in the parking lot
- The exchange between Jim and Pam on their walk to the parking lot -- very real
- Andy whining about losing a penny in his loafer
- Andy's speech on the working man's need of a good parking spot

I give this episode a B+ for satisfying my Jam cravings!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Let me make this short and sweet...

The Office. Is. Back. Tonight. 9pm. NBC.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Swimming 101

Tomorrow's a BIG day -- It's my first day of swimming lessons at the City Park and Rec. Sure, I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be? I've been living for almost 29 years and never learned how to swim. It's not like I'm afraid of the water (I'm not), I just never learned how to tread water. I've been thinking of stuff I'll be needing tomorrow and I think this is what I'll end up looking like:


No, I won't forget my swimming cap and goggles, thanks for your concern.