Tuesday, October 30, 2007

“Dunder Mifflin: The People Person’s Paper People”

As you can see, I did not write anything last week. It was my mommy's (yes, I still call her mommy, got a problem with that?) last week here in the States, she left for the Philippines last Saturday (sob), and we were all really busy. Also, I took a break from work, and work = internet access (shhh).

Anyway, last week, The Office went back to its 30-minute format. I guess I am one of the very few people who did not mind the hour-long episodes (or eppys as they are called in the internets). The hour-long episodes CAN be quite a drag, but I did enjoy the first four eppys anyway (and I totally gushed on the last 1-hour eppy). Going back to the 30-minute eppy was great but then it was as if something was missing. After 4 eppys that dealt with several plots, Local Ad left me wanting more. It was a good episode, don't get me wrong, but there was just something that's amiss.

Fine points of the episode, Local Ad:

  • Andy figuring out what product the Kit Kat jingle was promoting

  • Michael Scott's "zooming out" vision for the ad

  • Creed, Andy, Darryl, Kevin and Kelly's jingle production - really catchy!

  • Pam clearing Michael's phone

  • Sue Grafton at the Steamtown Mall and Creed calling her "sexy hot"

  • Meredith telling Jim to "Piss or get off the pot!"

  • Michael inventing the unicorn at 5

  • Dwight and Jim's Second Life avatars - I want Philly Jim!

  • Creed eating Pam's hashbrowns

  • Angela not liking mysteries

  • Urban Stanley

  • Just added: How can I forget the Phyllis-Dwight part of the Ad? "You have a son, and it's me."

and lastly, and what I thought was the best of all: Kevin as the Kool Aid Man. Best. Ever.

This week's eppy should be good. Karen's back!!!

I can't get the song out of my head, so let me share it (the glee or the pain) with you:

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