Do you think that Blockbuster would believe me and not charge me a past due fee? I was supposed to return "Year of the Dog" yesterday, but I was in bed the last two days trying to recuperate. I missed English class too. Will probably fail that class. -Sniff-

Change subject: OK, back to "Year of the Dog". It's the latest release from Mike White (is it wrong to crush on him? he's adorable, probably gay)... that movie, I'd have to say, it's like seeing my life 15 years from now. It's about this woman (played perfectly by Molly Shannon) who is single, who I think (judging from the lines on her face) is around her 40's, who lives alone with the most adorable Beagle named Pencil (played really well by Prada and CK, although I think CK played Pencil better). An unexpected event led Peggy (Shannon) into a journey of self discovery. I know, that's a lame way of putting it, but I didn't really want to add spoiler alerts. But yeah, I thought it was really good, just because it's pretty realistic and the acting was really good, and that maybe because it might happen to me in a couple of years, seriously, it scares me. :P
Anyway, I think I'm going to Blockbuster now.
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