Friday, January 15, 2010

Chia Homer: The First Week

Over the joyful holiday season, a colleague of mine gave me a Homer Chia. He thought it was a brilliant idea but in my opinion I thought it kinda sucks that I'd have to take care of something (and he calls it a gift???). Don't get me wrong, I love Homer with all my heart but I don't have a green thumb and I suck at taking care of things in general --- this gift was bound for my "won't-ever-open" pile.

But the change of year brought about a change in me and all of a sudden, I felt that I should take Homer Chia on as a challenge, my first this 2010. I am going to make sure that Homer grows the lush 'fro as illustrated in the box:

As an afterthought (I know, this is what I meant by not knowing how to take care of things), I decided to document the progress of the 'fro's growth. Here's how it went down the first week:


Planting Homer's Head

Planting Homer's Head with instructions read by the soon-to-be famous Jason Vincent (also the donor of Chia Homer)

Chia Homer's home in the lunchroom


A gorgeous shot of Chia Homer's seeded back

Chia Homer smiling back at me, I think


Still no growth, WTF?


You know how I said that this was just an afterthought? Yeah, I forgot to take a picture on Day 4. What kind of scientist am I? I am not.


Chia Homer basking in the glorious sun... WITH SQUIGGLY STUFF GROWING!!!

A close up of the squigglies growing out of Chia Homer's head

So a week is technically 7 days, but since Chia Homer lives in a lunchroom, I'll follow the work week and end this 1st week on Day 5. I'm crossing my finger for lush foliage next week.

Stay tuned.