Friday, January 15, 2010

The Tonight Show Drama

My opinion: Jay Leno is a douche and I loved that Jimmy Kimmel ripped him apart like he did last night (I even watched the Jay Leno show intentionally). Sure, Jeff Zucker is the biggest douche of all the douches involved in this douchebaggery but it's just so easy to blame Jay Leno. His chin is an easy target, I guess.

It's sad that Conan is getting better ratings now that he's almost ending his helm on The Tonight Show desk. I'd love to see him on Comedy Central but Stewart/Colbert already has the late night slots covered. I am hoping not to watch him on Fox. Oh well, I will continue to watch this drama unfold.

Also, I hope he shows up on his tribute on Sunday. It would suck if he doesn't.

UPDATE: I just received an e-mail from the event organizers that Coco just cancelled. Sad face. I don't and can't really blame him though.

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