Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My night with Barry...

I wish I could've been more creative with the title, but it's hard to come up with words to explain what happened Friday night. Awesome? Yup. Delightful? Most definitely. I guess I'll just let the pictures do the talking. Oh, and besides the stage view, all the pictures were taken after the event. We were running late (what's new?). Anyway, without further ado:

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Glitter animation a must do!

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The Venue

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My view from the top

Ok, so about the crowd. I think there were five major demo groups (not necessarily exclusive of each other, i.e. they may overlap in traits) in this musical event: 1) Our beloved senior citizens; 2) Baby boomers; 3) Our gay friends; 4) My Filipino brothers and sisters; 5) Kids who were forced to be taken along for the awesome ride because of the lack of babysitters. Also, the plethora of walking aids were obvious, I was glad Mr. Manilow got to lure them out of their usual confinements.

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Enjoyed your popcorn much?

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I tried to brush by her.

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Some ladies in red hats. I think they're part of a mob or something.

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The Fanilows

I tried to take pictures of the other demo group I mentioned, but I was not able to do so. And, even if I didn't get to purchase any souvenirs (because I'm broke), I took pictures of these things I will be looking forward to purchasing... 20 years from now:

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And the pièce de résistance:

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All in all, it was a great evening. I got to sing a long to most of the tunes... got kinda teary-eyed with a couple of them.

1 comment:

Joe Schmo said...

That lady in the fur coat looks lost. She looks confused and high on something.