Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Crab cakes and me

On my profile, I mentioned that I like crab cakes. Let me retract that, I don't just like crab cakes... I LOVE crab cakes. And with this love for crab cakes, I thought I should go on a quest to find the best one out there. Well, "relatively" the best one, since it would be the best according to my taste alone.

I have been planning to formally document this quest and thanks to this blog that no one ever reads, I will have the ability to grade crab cakes on an ongoing basis... until I croak, probably (unless my kin wants to take on the daunting task). Anyway, I like keeping things as simple as possible, so I figured that I should grade the crab cakes on a scale of one crab for awful to five crabs for excellent.
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The lovely crab*

And for the worst of the worst, the most dreadful crab cake, a special grade of imitation crab would be awarded:

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The despicable imitation crab

*I had to make my own on MS Paint... I initially used this thing that I got off Google but I think he sells it to people, so to avoid future lawsuits, I decided to draw my own. The same cannot be said about the imitation crab... I can't draw junk like that.

My first review will be posted soon. I just had a big lunch earlier with people from work. Review to follow.

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