Today's Good Friday. I've always observed traditional practices during Lent... not this year. To start with, it's not that easy to observe Lent after moving to the U.S. (also, I am part of the workforce now), but I have modified it a bit where I can still attend mass, do the confession, etc. I also abstain from doing something (usually shopping, eating meat) beginning Ash Wednesday and during the season's 40-day duration.
I am from a devout Catholic family. We attended mass regularly, I attended Catholic school from kindergarden through college, my brother was an altar-server, my sister and I were members of "Hijas de Maria" and the children's choir. I was even secretary of the Religion Club in high school. That's right, a club with a lot of praying involved.
Even with that background (which was pretty common if one was raised in the predominantly Catholic Philippines), I always considered myself a liberal Catholic. Liberal in the sense that I (to a certain extent) support pro-choice; I support birth control and contraception; I am all for same-sex marriage. Our mother always respected our beliefs, and gave us the right to walk our own religious paths. I chose the liberal path, taking with me the Catholic "essentials:" the 10 Commandments, knowing the 7 capital sins, support of charity and social justice. I may sound simple-minded and even naive, but it works for me.
So why is this Good Friday different from previous ones? You know when you've been in a long-term relationship and you want to take a breather for awhile... just to take in everything and assess the status of your relationship? That's how I feel right now as a Catholic. It's like you've been together for so long and you're just together because it's convenient and comfortable. Of course, this has been triggered by the whole "Catholic abuse scandals." It just made the question in my head all the more unavoidable: "Am I really a part of that church?" But FYI, I am still a believer, I don't think my relationship with God has changed. It's more like, "do I really want a middle man in our relationship?" Moreso, a middle man who tells you to follow all sorts of things while they sweep all sort of (kinky) things under the rug.
Am I just jumping the Anti-Catholic bandwagon? I don't know. It's one of those "hating-the-establishment" sentiment that I'm feeling right now. Should I explore other organized religion or be a "Cafeteria Catholic?" I really don't know.
One things for sure, I know I'll still end up going to Easter Sunday services. It can't be helped... especially when mom's around.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Chia Homer: The First Week
Over the joyful holiday season, a colleague of mine gave me a Homer Chia. He thought it was a brilliant idea but in my opinion I thought it kinda sucks that I'd have to take care of something (and he calls it a gift???). Don't get me wrong, I love Homer with all my heart but I don't have a green thumb and I suck at taking care of things in general --- this gift was bound for my "won't-ever-open" pile.
But the change of year brought about a change in me and all of a sudden, I felt that I should take Homer Chia on as a challenge, my first this 2010. I am going to make sure that Homer grows the lush 'fro as illustrated in the box:
But the change of year brought about a change in me and all of a sudden, I felt that I should take Homer Chia on as a challenge, my first this 2010. I am going to make sure that Homer grows the lush 'fro as illustrated in the box:

As an afterthought (I know, this is what I meant by not knowing how to take care of things), I decided to document the progress of the 'fro's growth. Here's how it went down the first week:

Planting Homer's Head with instructions read by the soon-to-be famous Jason Vincent (also the donor of Chia Homer)
Chia Homer's home in the lunchroom


You know how I said that this was just an afterthought? Yeah, I forgot to take a picture on Day 4. What kind of scientist am I? I am not.

So a week is technically 7 days, but since Chia Homer lives in a lunchroom, I'll follow the work week and end this 1st week on Day 5. I'm crossing my finger for lush foliage next week.
Stay tuned.
days of the week,
What I do for fun
The Tonight Show Drama
My opinion: Jay Leno is a douche and I loved that Jimmy Kimmel ripped him apart like he did last night (I even watched the Jay Leno show intentionally). Sure, Jeff Zucker is the biggest douche of all the douches involved in this douchebaggery but it's just so easy to blame Jay Leno. His chin is an easy target, I guess.
It's sad that Conan is getting better ratings now that he's almost ending his helm on The Tonight Show desk. I'd love to see him on Comedy Central but Stewart/Colbert already has the late night slots covered. I am hoping not to watch him on Fox. Oh well, I will continue to watch this drama unfold.
Also, I hope he shows up on his tribute on Sunday. It would suck if he doesn't.
UPDATE: I just received an e-mail from the event organizers that Coco just cancelled. Sad face. I don't and can't really blame him though.
It's sad that Conan is getting better ratings now that he's almost ending his helm on The Tonight Show desk. I'd love to see him on Comedy Central but Stewart/Colbert already has the late night slots covered. I am hoping not to watch him on Fox. Oh well, I will continue to watch this drama unfold.
Also, I hope he shows up on his tribute on Sunday. It would suck if he doesn't.
UPDATE: I just received an e-mail from the event organizers that Coco just cancelled. Sad face. I don't and can't really blame him though.
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