Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Contribution to the Interwebs...

I have a couple of sites that I frequent in the interwebs (see list on the left side of the screen). Out of those sites that don't include the news sites, I visit daily, and pretty much refresh it every 30 minutes or so. I used to be a lurker until I decided to join in on the fun and started to be a regular commenter, not on everything, but mostly TV show recaps and on posts that interests me most.

They have recently started "Blingee Wednesdays" and since it's run, I've only missed submitting an entry once ("Judy Law"). This week it was Hugh Jackman, and wow, the entries were blingingly amazing! Out of the 121 entries, they chose the Top 40, and guess who made #3...

Hugh loves Dev

Myspace Glitter Graphics

I've made it.

Ed's Note: I have to agree with the #1 pick though, Jo's blingee was Also, I'll be posting all my Blingeefied creations for everyone's (me) viewing pleasure. Disclaimer: Seizures may happen if you stare at Blingees too much.

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