To kind of make up for that (well, I don't really owe anyone... but myself, I guess), I decided to do a monthly calendar update... just a list of things of what I'm up to for the month, really. So pretty much bore-enducing stuff and a quick peek at how boring my life is.
1) School. I'm back to school again... but this time it's serious, well, I have to be anyway, otherwise that'd be loads of money down the drain. I have three classes, two nights a week, two different institutions of higher learning.
2) Work. I still have two jobs, I am still on the fence if I should keep the second one. It's more of a drain to my resources than it is contributory, so we'll see. I've cut a deal with the regular job so I can leave early for school, they can take it off my pay, that's fine.
3) Extra-Curricular Activities. Volunteer Work - I give two hours of my time to the local SPCA. I help provide some TLC to rabbits and other critters. I love it. I'll post more about it someday.
How sad is my life? Well, I don't know, that's relative. Some people think I don't have one, but I am pretty happy with hit. Granted, I don't really go out much anymore, except for movies and dinner, but I think I'd rather see a movie and try out new spots to eat at than go out and get drunk (I'll go out, once every six months probably). I think I'm getting old.
Anyway, I did see The Kite Runner. I like it, although I can honestly say the book was better. I am still jonesing to see No Country for Old Men. Saw Juno last month, it was great, although the first 15 minutes was kinda Gilmore Girl-ish in the witty banter department. Saw Atonement last month as well, what a beautiful movie! James McAvoy is HOT! The girl who played Briony did such a great job, I'm sure she was channeling Nicole Kidman when filming... you can just feel the iciness. They did a great job adapting the screenplay, so I'd say I like the book and movie equally. On DVD, I have Hard Candy (checking out Ellen Page), saw Nanny McPhee (very cute), saw Transamerica (Felicity H. got robbed!), The Queen (Helen Mirren was good, but the movie was as boring as the Royals), will re-watch Eternal Sunshine..., I still have Kinky Boots, Lives of Others, and Eragon in my stack. I hope I can go through all of them.
Best "thing" of the month (I know, January's not over yet, but I don't think anything can surpass my love for this): THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS on DS! OMG! It's such a great game. Love it! Love it! Love it! I bought the DS for my mom so she can play the brain games, but I might have to keep it now... sorry nanay! Also, can't wait to try Super Mario Galazy on Wii... heard so many great things about it, I'm sure I can't get past the first stage, but who cares? Mario is now in the effing galaxy! With effing goombas!
Anyway, that's it for January, I think.