Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Day-After Thanksgiving!

Is it sacrilegious that I am not participating to the nouveau Thanksgiving tradition of getting in line at Best Buy to buy a $400 laptop? Then call me a heretic. I woke up late today and happily drove myself (traffic free!) to work today. I mean, I'd really much rather sleep in and stay in my jammies the whole day, but between going to work or doing the Black Friday shopping, I'd pick work, hands-down.

Anyway, Happy (day-after) Thanksgiving!


Ed's note: Seriously people, it's just shopping. No one should die while shopping, or working in retail, for that matter.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Trimester's Gone By...

It has been a while since I last posted. I'm happy to share to my reader(s) --- myself, that I am still around and able to write. So what's happened in the last three months?

- I've started my third term in my graduate (but not-quite graduate) program
- Summer's over!
- TV's fall season has started: The Office is back!
- The beast, that is, the credit collapse, has reared its ugly head
- The US is $700B poorer
- Tina Fey was the break-out star of the presidential campaign
- We've elected Barack Obama as the 44th Prez (yay!)
- Prop 8 passed (Hwaaah!)

I've also seen a couple of movies, finished anime a couple of anime series along the way. Saw a band play in Napa. Signed up in Facebook (I don't know why)... and many more that are probably not-so interesting. Anyway, I'm back. Just thought I should pop in and say hello.